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What the heck is an “exercise snack?”

(And why you should have one.)

Your MetaClinic doctor has told you for the 20th time – “you need to get more exercise.” And you smile and nod and then race home to see what’s on TV.

Might we suggest an exercise snack?

An exercise snack is a little “morsel” of exercise that gives you a little burst and improves your overall health. And it’s the perfect alternative for people who cringe at the thought of spending an hour on the treadmill.

Examples of exercise snacks:

  • A quick trip up and down the stairs (a minute, tops)

  • Vacuum the living room

  • Stand up. (Yep, just stand up and sit back down a few times during the day)

  • Stretch a little while watching TV

  • Take out the trash

Finding your groove for 30-seconds counts as an exercise snack.

You get the idea. Just little bursts of activity. 4-5 times a day and you will likely see some real benefits:

  • Improved mood

  • Improved strength (albeit a little at a time)

  • Improved cardio fitness

  • Reduced chance of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc.

When you consider these “snacks” as something you LIKE to do, it makes them even easier to do. See how many you can do in one day. Or set a daily goal of 4 snacks.

So the next time your MetaClinic doctor tells you to exercise more, just respond with “I prefer snacking.”
